Symptoms like
- Chest Pain
- Fast heartbeats
- Slow pulse
- Dizziness
- Weakness of arms or legs
- Swelling in legs
- Low Energy
- Feeling of Indigestion
- Nausea
- Fever
- Neck or Shoulder Pain
- Pale or Bluish Skin
Which occurs due to built up of Plaque in Heart Arteries
- High Cholesterol
- Infection
- Untreated Diabetes & Hypertension
- Stress & Anxiety
- Smoking Alcohol
- Medicines
- Physical Inactivity
VEER AIM CARE provides Treatment to Protect The HEART by Lowering Cholesterol, maintain Blood Pressure, regularize Blood Sugar, improve work efficiency with EXERCISES & FOOD PRECRIPTIONS which reduce the RISK OF HEART PROBLEMS
& maintain optimum level of Fats, Sugars to avoid stress & inflammation & improve the function of cells lining the Arteries & decrease arterial stiffness of Heart