PCOD - Womens Hormone Imbalance

Veer Aim Care - PCOD - Womens Hormone Imbalance

PCOD - Womens Hormone Imbalance

  • What is PCOD?

    All women have two ovaries that release an egg alternately every month. The ovaries produce androgens or male hormones in minute quantities. PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) is a condition where the ovaries release a lot of immature or partially-mature eggs which eventually turn into cysts.

    Symptoms are:
    - Abdominal weight gain
    - Irregular periods
    - Painful Periods
    - Male pattern hair loss
    - Cystic Acne
    - infertility.

What is PCOS?

In women with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), the ovaries produce higher levels of androgen than usual, which interferes with development and release of the eggs. Some of the eggs develop into cysts, which are the little sacs filled with liquid.

Eggs that are not properly released each month often swell and cluster around the ovaries, forming cysts.

VEER AIM CARE often looks at reducing the severity of symptoms In PCOD

VEER AIM CARE guides patients to Maintain good health which is essential to prevent as well as treat hormonal disturbances and conditions.

Food to limit & avoid & support body with Nutrients that can prevents Inflammation & helps heal PCOS.

VEER AIM CARE provides Treatment Protocols for reducing insulin resistance, increasing metabolic rate, improving body composition (more muscle and less fat tissue) & regulate the hormones.

Exercise may improve regularity of menstruation, the rate of ovulation and pregnancy rates in women

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