Menstrual Pain

Veer Aim Care - Menstrual Pain

Menstrual Pain

  • Menstruation or period, is normal vaginal bleeding that happens as part of a woman's monthly cycle. Many women have painful periods, also called dysmenorrhea. The pain is most often
    - menstrual cramps, which are a throbbing
    - cramping pain in your lower abdomen.

    Symptoms like
    - lower back pain
    - nausea
    - diarrhea
    - headaches.
    - Mood disturbance

Period pain is not the same as premenstrual syndrome (PMS). PMS starts one to two weeks before your period starts.

Causes symptoms like

  • weight gain
  • bloating
  • irritability
  • fatigue

PRIMARY DYSMENORRHEA is the most common kind of period pain. It is period pain that is not caused by another condition. The cause is usually having too many prostaglandins, which are chemicals that your uterus makes. These chemicals make the muscles of your uterus tighten and relax and this causes the cramps.

The pain can start a day or two before your period

SECONDARY DYSMENORRHEA starts later in life. It is caused by conditions that affect your uterus or other reproductive organs, such as endometriosis and uterine fibroids. This kind of pain often gets worse over time. It may begin before your period starts and continue after your period ends.

There is a connection between the food you eat and your body’s estrogen levels

VEER AIM CARE plans Food Chart to

  • Regulate the Hormones
  • Reduce Inflammation
  • Reduce Menstrual Pain
  • Consume optimum levels of Carbohydrates, Fats, Protein, Vitamins, Minerals through Food

VEER AIM CARE provides Exercise Prescriptions To reduce Pain & strengthen the muscles.

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