- type 2 diabetes
- heart disease
- high blood pressure
- certain cancers (breast, colon and endometrial)
- stroke
- gallbladder disease
- fatty liver disease
- high cholesterol
- sleep apnea and other breathing - problems
- arthritis
- infertility
Boost the Metabolism :
It Is the rate at which your body expends energy or burns calories.
VEER AIM CARE Plans Food to avoid consuming extra calories & Fat in body Food that provides sufficient Nutrients to maintain Metabolism. Food that satisfies the Hunger & again prevent accumulation of Fat.
Food that helps Body to achieve the TARGET WEIGHT TARGET SHAPE(INCH LOSS)
VEER AIM CARE plans Exercises Prescriptions
- To Loose Weight
- To Strengthen the Joints
- To maintain & improve Flexibility of Muscles
- To Shape the Body
- Reduce the risk of Heart Disease
- Maintain Blood Sugar levels
- Maintain BP
VEER AIM CARE Personally plans the Weight Management Click Here to get the BODY IN SHAPE.