Weight Gain with Body Shaping

Veer Aim Care - Weight Gain with Body Shaping

Weight Gain with Body Shaping

  • An underweight person is a person whose body weight is considered too low to be healthy. 
    UNDERWEIGHT can also impair your immune function, raise your risk of infections, lead to osteoporosis and fractures and cause fertility problems, likely to get sarcopenia (age-related muscle wasting) and may be at greater risk of dementia.
    Junk Food & High Fat may help you gain weight, but it can destroy your health at the same time.

VEER AIM CARE helps you gain weight with a balanced amount of muscle mass and subcutaneous fat rather than a lot of unhealthy belly fat.

VEER AIM CARE plans Exercises to build the Muscles & strengthen the Joints & improve the quality of Bones.

Click Here to start with your personalised Treatment & Gain weight with appropriate Body Shape.

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