Stomach or Intestinal Problems or Inflammatory Bowel Syndromes - IBS

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Veer Aim Care - Stomach or Intestinal Problems or Inflammatory Bowel Syndromes - IBS

Stomach or Intestinal Problems or Inflammatory Bowel Syndromes - IBS

  • The symptoms of IBS typically include:
    -abdominal pain
    -bloating & gas

    IBS is also named as:
    -IBS colitis
    -Mucous colitis
    -Spastic colon
    -Nervous colon
    -Spastic bowel
    -Harder or looser stools than normal (pellets or flat ribbon stools)
    -A belly that sticks out
    -Mucus in your poop
    -Feeling like you still need to poop after you just did
    -Food intolerance
    -Heartburn and indigestion
    -Needing to pee a lot

There are four types of the condition:

  • IBS with constipation (IBS-C)
  • IBS with diarrhea (IBS-D)
  • Mixed IBS (IBS-M) alternates between constipation and diarrhea
  • Unsubtyped IBS (IBS-U) for people who don't fit into the above types


  • That stimulates the activity of the intestine muscles, helping it to move food waste through your intestines more quickly
  • relieving gas from the body, helps cure several digestive disorders and digestion
  • Improves circulation to abdomen / pelvis and digestive system overall

VEER AIM CARE Plans Food Prescriptions to

  • Cure Severe infection
  • Prevent & Care Inflammation in the intestines
  • Improve Digestion & Absorption of Nutrients in the Food.
  • Eat a balanced meal which includes all macro and micronutrients – Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Fiber, Vitamins, and Minerals & maintain Hydration

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